We are excited to announce opening applications for the Accelerated Bachelor’s and Master's (“ABM”) Program between Alfaisal and KAUST for the 2025 batch.

The ABM Program provides eligible, high-performing undergraduate students from Alfaisal University with the opportunity to obtain two degrees within a five-year period: A Bachelor’s degree (“BS”) from AU and a Master of Science (“MS”) degree from KAUST

Eligibility and nomination criteria:

  • Students with major in
  • COE Electrical Engineering (EE), Mechanical Engineering (ME), Software Engineering (SE).
  • COS Life Sciences.
  • Good standing students. Priority to highest CGPA.
  • Expected to complete 3rd year requirements by Spring 2025
  • Eligible to take summer internship during Summer 2025.

Timeline and phases of the ABM program:
  • AU students must declare their intention to join the ABM program by filling out the form, then eligible nominations will be communicated with KAUST.
  • Accepted students from AU will undertake a Summer Internship at KAUST, at the end of the 3rd Year (i.e., after AUs 6th Semester).
  • Students will return to AU after the Summer Internship to complete their Fall semester course requirements. Their senior year capstone/research project will be jointly supervised by KAUST and AU.
  • Students who complete the above steps will be eligible to undertake the Spring Semester of their 4th Year (i.e., AU’s 8th Semester) at KAUST. During that period, they are expected to continue working on their capstone/research project, as well as KAUST courses to satisfy their AU undergraduate degree requirements.

Students interested in this program and who fit the above criteria should fill out the form by December 16th, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Ms. Rana AlSohaily (ralsohaily@alfaisal.edu) for engineering programs
Ms. Widaa Alomar (wsalomar@alfaisal.edu) for Life Sciences program